Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Elijah in Hockey and more

Elijah had another hockey game on sunday. So amazing to see the improvment in him from just a year ago. This time last year, he couldn't even stand up on skates. Now he can run, jump, fly across the ice. here he is playing Center and doing the faceoff, he won the draw.

Elijah's favorite position would efinately have to be playing goalie. He loves to dive after the puck and keep it from going in. He made some really great saves.

Chasing after the puck.

Nothing like watching a bunch of 4-6 year olds skating on the ice chasing a puck. They are like dominoes most of the time, but it's so entertaining to watch.

A boy after a father's heart. We got Samuel matching jersey to daddy for christmas. Now we all have jersey's, Elijah is just the odd man out with a Pittsburgh Penguins jersey. :) at least Samuel has no say yet.
So hard to believe Samuel is now 4 months old. Time sure flies by when you aren't paying attention, they grow right before your eyes and don't even realize it. He's my little snuggler. He loves giddy up horsey. He is still working on rolling over. He hates being on his tummy so I am sure he's in no hurry to really learn. My happy content little boy.

A rare picture of Samuel with mom. Seems like I hardly have any photos of me holding samuel.

Elijah is such a great big brother. He is always willing to help when he can. He can keep Samuel occupied when mommy is busy. I am blessed to have a wonderful family. Maybe my next post I will find baby pics of Elijah to compare the 2. you will be amazed how much they look alike. Will have to play guess which baby!! :)


Scott and Sarah Nichols said...

Your boys are so cute! I just went to my first hockey game a couple of weeks ago. It was a lot of fun. I bet it's even more fun when it's kids playing!

alaskamommy said...

I should bring my kids to one of his games, Philip could tell right away that it was a hockey game.