Saturday, February 28, 2009

A month of Firsts

February has been a milestone month for Samuel. It's amazing how time just flies by and they grow right before your eyes. From rolling over, to his taste of his first food other then a bottle. Still no teeth but they are close and he drools like crazy.

Samuel getting his first taste of rice cereal. He loved it!!

He was willing to open his moth for me, he sure got the hang of it fast.

All gone and he wants more. Now anytime I'm eating something he sure eyes it and tries to get it. He's had some cheddar broccoli soup the other day when I was at lunch. Man didn't think I was gonna get a bite in at all. He sure show interest in food.

This was the last picture taken with Nate and the boys before he took off. Nothing like having to say "goodbye" to their daddy!!

I just had to throw this picture in cause he's so cute!!

I got Samuel rolling over on Camera for the first time from stomach to back. He mastered that art first. I didn't get back to stomach on camera but I was there to witness it. I love when I get to see a first.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You know you're a military wife when...

• The site of US GOVERNMENT on your caller ID no longer freaks you out

• All your husband's fresh white underwear has his "last four" stamped on the waist band

• You know the smell of JP-5

• You laugh at Top Gun. Even harder at Tom Cruise as "Maverick."

• You know that APO isn't a type of dog food

• Your husband's best friends have names like "GULA," "Wookie," "Rat Boy," and "Dancing Bear."

• Suddenly "GULA," Wookie," "Rat Boy," and "Dancing Bear" seem like affectionate nicknames. (Although, probably not to your civilian mother.)

• You've had five different jobs in four years.

• You've had five different addresses in four years.

• You've had five new best friends in four years.

• Luckily you've had the same husband for five years, but you haven't seen him in three.

• You know that "Haze grey and underway" is not a song by Neil Young.

• When your husband announces he's going to use "the head," you no longer smirk and think,
"About time...but I'm still smarter than you."

• You realize that when your husband is on "cruise," he won't be dining with the captain of the Love Boat

• Similarly, you realize your junior husband won't be dining with any captain.

• You know that your husband will eat in the Mess Hall, and you think that's right where he belongs.

• And last, you definitely know you're a military wife when you're sitting in a waiting room without your husband and you're not the least bit jealous of the girl who doesn't know her husband's "last four." (Even if she was thinner and had better skin.) Because you know, without a doubt, that she's got a lot to learn and a long way to go.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Chopping Block

I decided to bite the bullet and do something drastic to my hair. It was time for a change. I just had to wait for nate to leave to do so. Nate loves my long hair and doesn't like it when I cut it. I have the next year to grow it back out. :)

Excuse the fuzziness of the pic. My 5 yr old was taking the pic. I will try and get a better picture posted but this is it for now. My next goal is to lose 50 lbs. A new start to the new me!